GOLD BARS OF THE NATIONAL BANK Buy: 46350.0 / Sell: 48650.0 / National Bank rate: 46473.17


GIFT. A solid and original present for birthdays, weddings, New Years and other holidays and family celebrations. The advantage of such a gift is that after purchase the bullion does not lose its value. Unlike other gifts, you do not need to sell it on the secondary market to receive cash; you just need to come to us and sell it without significant losses, and possibly with a profit due to an increase in the exchange rate.

INVESTMENTS. For entrepreneurs and investors, purchasing gold bars from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a reliable investment decision, a confident understanding of the safety of capital, and a good safety net for business.

SAVING. The time comes when you need to think not only about your future, but also about the future of your family. At this moment, purchasing gold bars from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a necessary and reliable investment for your future and the future of your family.

PLEDGE. For holders of gold bars of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is an opportunity to earn trust in the eyes of creditors by using bars as security for the fulfillment of obligations to commercial and non-profit organizations.

PRODUCT. Gold bars of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan are made of 999.9 purity gold and are not mixed with other metals during alloying, which makes it possible to melt the bars into the desired, exclusive product for yourself by turning to the services of a jeweler. When you melt down gold jewelry, you get a smaller amount of gold due to the composition of the product mixed with other metals. You end up losing weight and quality of the final product during secondary melting.



FROM US. At any point in the entire network of MiG currency exchange offices located in most areas of the city. Spend the minimum amount of time on this, having only your identification document with you.

HOW MANY? Our company provides its clients with the opportunity to buy and sell 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 gram gold bars of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purchase and sale price of gold bars is set per gram of gold, and not per nominal bar. Therefore, buyers have the opportunity to purchase any number of gold bars divisible by five. For example, if you have a 50 gram gold bar with you, but you need one 100 gram bar, you only pay extra for 50 grams, give up your 50 gram gold bar and receive one 100 gram bar. You can perform this operation with all nominal bars listed above.

DISCOUNTS. Clients who fill out a form in the “Get a discount %” section on our website or through the MiG mobile app receive a 5% discount on the difference between the purchase and sale of gold bars of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan when buying or selling for an amount exceeding the equivalent KZT 500,000. A 10% discount on the difference between the purchase and sale of gold bars is provided when buying or selling 100 grams.


STABILITY. If you look at the history of the use of gold in Kazakhstan, you will notice that it not only grows in price, but is also not a subject to rapid depreciation. Based on this, funds transferred to gold bars of the National Bank serve to protect your capital from inflation during periods of currency fluctuations and sudden devaluations.

PAPER OR METAL? Due to the compact shape and the ratio of the gold bar of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the money supply, they are convenient to transport and store, the bars do not take up too much space. There is no need to worry about the depreciation, obsolescence or withdrawal from circulation of gold bars of the National Bank, unlike paper currency, which constantly updates its appearance and goes out of circulation after a certain time.

AUTHENTICITY AND CERTIFICATION: Each gold bar of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan is equipped with protective elements (mirror surface of the bars, microtext and relief edge) and is produced in special packaging that protects the bars from mechanical damage and makes it easy to check whether the packaging has been opened or not.

Images on the front side of the bars:

In the upper part there is a figure of a deer, the inscriptions «Қазақстан», «Казахстан».

In the center of the bar there are the inscriptions “АЛТЫН” and “ЗОЛОТО” with the weight indicated in the upper part and the numbers 999.9 in the lower part, indicating the purity of the metal.

At the bottom there is the logo of the Kazakhstan Mint and the number of the ingot.

Images on the reverse side of the bars:

At the top there is the logo of the National Bank.

In the center there is a stylized figure of a winged leopard.

Protective packaging is a certificate of ingot quality.



People have been mining gold from time immemorial. Humanity encountered gold in the 5th millennium BC. e. in the Neolithic era due to its abundance in a native state.

According to archaeologists, systematic mining began in the Middle East, from where gold jewelry was supplied, in particular, to Egypt. It was in Egypt, in the tomb of Queen Zer and one of the queens Pu-abi Ur, that the first gold jewelry dating back to the 3rd millennium BC was found in the Sumerian civilization.

Since then, it has been considered a symbol of wealth and was used to make jewelry and luxury items. Later it began to be used as payment for goods.

History knows such a phenomenon as the gold rush, when the discovery of new gold deposits led to dramatic changes in the economy of entire regions and the whole world. For example, in 1700, gold began to be mined in Brazil. In a matter of years, the country has become the world's main supplier of the precious metal, producing up to 15 thousand tons per year. Gold miners flocked to Brazil, and this influenced the development of the new continent. In 1848, gold was discovered in California. This was one of the factors that contributed to the creation of a country like the United States of America. In 1850, the discovery of gold deposits in Australia caused a flow of settlers to new territories. The most famous gold rush began in 1896, when two Canadian geologists discovered reserves of the metal near the Yukon River. The name of this field - Klondike - has become a household word. A similar story happened a decade later in South Africa, with only one difference: there gold was already mined by corporations and industrially.

Today, several gold mining technologies are known: washing, amalgamation using mercury, cyanidation and regeneration. In total, the world produces an average of about 2,500 tons of gold per year. The largest amount of gold in the world is mined in South Africa. Next come China, Australia, USA, Peru, Russia, Canada, Mali, Uzbekistan, Ghana.

According to current data from the World Gold Council, excluding the IMF and the ECB, Kazakhstan is in 13th place among gold-holding countries. In terms of precious metal volumes, the republic has surpassed Saudi Arabia and the UK. The gold portfolio of the National Bank of Kazakhstan as of September 10, 2018 is 333 tons, which is equivalent to $12.8 billion. Gold accounts for 42.7% of the country’s total reserves.

The largest share of gold is registered in the United States – 8,133.5 tons. At the same time, the precious metal occupies a significant share of the country’s total gold and foreign exchange reserves – 73.7%. The world's largest reserve of gold has become significantly scarcer since the 50s of the last century; for example, in 1952, the volume of the precious metal in the country's reserves was 20.66 thousand tons. Since the 2000s, the figure has remained unchanged.

In European countries, Germany is the leader in gold reserves, and it ranks second in the world in terms of this indicator. In September of this year, the volume of pure gold in its state reserves amounted to 3,369.9 tons, which corresponds to 69.1% of the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves. Germany began to form its gold reserves in the 50s of the twentieth century and in ten years was able to increase it to current volumes. Today there is no active policy to increase the gold reserve; over the past 20 years, the volume of gold in the Central Bank of Germany has decreased by almost 10%.

In third and fourth place in terms of the volume of precious metal reserves in the world were also representatives of the EU - Italy with a volume of gold of 2,451.8 tons and France, whose national gold reserve is 2,436 tons. In the total reserves of these countries, gold occupies 65.8% and 59.3% respectively. Italy's gold reserves have remained stable since 1999. France has sold 588.6 tons of reserves since the beginning of the 2000s.

Russia is in fifth place in terms of official gold reserves in the world. Thus, according to the latest data, the volume of the gold reserve of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 1,970.1 tons. In the total volume of the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves, this is only 17%.

Kazakhstan ranks 14th in the world in terms of the number of confirmed and industrial reserves and production and 3rd in gold production after Russia and Uzbekistan among the CIS countries, the website reports.

Gold is a protective instrument. Its main purpose as part of gold and foreign exchange reserves can be considered to ensure the stability of the country’s financial system, as well as balancing the portfolio of assets to protect it from currency fluctuations.

According to analysts of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the active policy of central banks to purchase assets in gold is associated with several reasons. Gold contributes to the diversification of the country's reserves, experts say. The yield of gold is weakly correlated with the dynamics of exchange rates, the yield of stock indices and the government securities market. Assets in gold are resistant to geopolitical risks, changes in currencies and exchange rate regimes on the world market. Thus, assets in gold act as an alternative to foreign currencies and securities, while they have zero credit risk, since they are not a liability.

Gold is the most important element of the global financial system, since this metal is not a subject to corrosion, has many technical applications, and its reserves are small. Gold was practically not lost during historical cataclysms, but was only accumulated and melted down. Currently, the world's bank reserves of gold are estimated at 32 thousand tons (if you fuse all this gold together, you will get a cube with a side of only about 12 m). The declining role of gold as an international currency has been repeatedly emphasized, however, almost all banks in the world keep gold as a source of liquidity.

By purchasing metal marked 999, a person receives a material that is durable, wear-resistant and has excellent anti-corrosion properties.

A gold bar of this standard has no impurities and is a noble metal. Gold cannot be damaged by natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and even fires (the melting point of gold is over 1000 degrees).

The program for the sale and redemption of measured refined gold bars for the population was launched by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017.

Gold bars are available in five varieties: 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 grams.

ATTENTION! Protective packaging is a certificate of quality of the ingot. Careful storage is recommended. Do not open the package!


Measured refined gold bar weighing 5 grams

Weight: 5 gr. Width: 14.1 mm. Length: 24.2 mm. Metal: Gold. Hallmark: 999.9

Measured refined gold bar weighing 10 grams

Weight: 10 gr. Width: 15 mm. Length: 25.8 mm. Metal: Gold. Hallmark: 999.9

Measured refined gold bar weighing 20 grams

Weight: 20 gr. Width: 17.4 mm. Length: 30 mm. Metal: Gold. Hallmark: 999.9

Measured refined gold bar weighing 50 grams

Weight: 50 gr. Width: 22 mm. Length: 37.9 mm. Metal: Gold. Hallmark: 999.9

Measured refined gold bar weighing 100 grams

Weight: 100 gr. Width: 32 mm. Length: 55 mm. Metal: Gold. Hallmark: 999.9